Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Poker Skillz At Their Finest

Last night I actually got a little home game together. It was kinda last minute thing. Only problem was there really wasn't any "poker" being played. See most of the group that was there, were a bunch of guys from work, mostly older then myself, that like dealer calls games. But we ain't talkin' razz or omatard here. On no, no, no sir. A sample of the games played last night.

1) Follow the Queen - Queens and whatever follows it are wild
2) 3/33, 7/27 - Closest to the low without going under or the high without going over (split pot), faces are .5 point
3) 4's, Whores, and Men with Mustaches - 5 card draw where all of these are wild
4) 7 card stud - Low spade in the hole splits the pot, Queen of spades kills the game

I guess there is some mediocum of skill to some of these games but for the most part there's no reason to fold in any of them. There were more that we played but I don't care to list them all nor do I know if they even have official names. We play basically with .10/.25 limits and no real betting structure to any of it. I guess they are kinda spread limit with a 2 dollar max or something like that. My big hand of the night was in 4's, Whores, and Men with Mustaches when my 5 dueces trumped a straight flush and another guy with 5 of a kind folded (uh yeah I said that) cause he thought someone had a better 5 of a kind. Srlsy this is poker skill at it's finest. And because there was much skillz involved I managed to win 40 bucks, not sure how, but I'll take it.

Note to Zooks: No one gives a flying fuck about the central time zone. Therefore the times on the calendar should not be in CST, no one lives there. The people who do know they need to subtract and hour from everything important because they know no one gives a fuck about them since they are in the middle of corn growing, cow shitting, flat, open roaded nowheres fuckingville. East coast bias, it's real, subscribe to it, love it, accept it. Stop confusing me. Thank You.


  1. If you had any skillz whatsoever you could have fixed that. Just sayin.

  2. Amen on the eastern time zone rant.
