Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally a Win

It's been a while but I finally got one today. Things have been really cold. Cold deck after cold deck, followed by inevitable bad beat. But I broke through today. How much, you ask? I don't understand......Oh you thought I meant poker. No, no. I meant solitaire on my phone while I take a dump at work. I don't win at poker any more.

This is sadly probably the biggest highlight I have that involve cards over the last few weeks. Granted I haven't been playing much and have had a few small cashes in Corp HU last week and PokerSluts, but the cash games have been drier then dry for me. Not being able to bankwins at 25NL can take a toll on your psyche. I know I'm not playing my best in cash, but honestly, trying to find the time to correct it really isn't an option right now. Hopefully that changes soon.

I did manage to get a free (read 1800 fpp) token for the AIPS Main Event on Thursday. So I will be playing that. Hopefully something good comes out there. If I don't fall asleep in the middle of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahhahahah!


    They let you take a crap a work? You spoiled bourgeois types.
