Friday, February 6, 2009

How can I miss?

(click thru for the hand replayer)

Before the flop I'm a big favourite (73/23), when the money goes in I'm still a slight favourite (61/36), yet I miss them all. sigh.


  1. Damn, nz, that looks just like a cash game hand I played the other night. I didn't have the flush draw but I had a straight wrap and pair outs up the wazoo. Those turn and river cards look virtually identical to the ones that came for me.


  2. Because you bet a goofy amount that offers excellent odds to try to draw and beat you - especially if they interpret the bet amount to "mean something," as in, "hmmm $777, the clown probably has a pair of sevens..." - and which because of human nature are substantially more likely to trigger the so-called "calling reflex"?

    On the other hand, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and 73% to win is 100% to win 73% of the time.
